Tag Archive for: usability testing

User Research on a Budget

In May, we published 5 facts about usability testing (supported by numbers) to show you how relevant it is. In a perfect world, all companies would do user research regularly. In the real world, budget is often an issue. Believe it or not, user research can be cheap even if you work with user experience professionals. At imarklab, we often adapt our approach to tight research budgets, especially when we work with small and medium-sized businesses. Sceptical? Keep reading for a few tricks… Read more

Get Quick Results with Agile Usability Testing

In Web development as in everything else, cycles are short. Agility is the name of the game. In such a setting, you might think that usability testing is a luxury you can’t afford. Obviously, you can’t interrupt the development process for a month to make time for usability testing. While that’s true, usability testing doesn’t have to take a month. It can be as agile as any development process. Read more

5 Facts About Usability Testing

A lot of marketers still have questions about usability testing. Is it necessary? Is it useful? What is the purpose? Is it difficult to implement? If it’s your case, here are five facts about usability testing that might interest you… and convince you that usability testing is relevant! Each is based on recent data from eMarketer (detailed sources below). Read more

Improving Educational Applications for Children Through Usability Testing

In 2016, we worked with Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH), a global learning company, to conduct usability tests in Texas, USA. HMH specializes in educational content, services and cutting edge technology solutions for children. The company serves more than 50 million students in over 150 countries. For this project, we adapted our usual approach of usability testing. Our first challenge was working with very specific users, children. The second was that tests took place in Texas, far from our Canadian facilities. Ultimately, we analyzed the recordings in Montreal to provide actionable recommendations while HMH designed, moderated and recorded the tests in Texas. We combined our expertise in user experience with HMH’s expertise in providing quality educational tools to help children achieve great results. Here is how the project went and what we found out… Read more

5 Steps for Great Usability Testing

Usability testing, also known as UX testing, is one of the best tools to get your user’s pulse. The basics of usability testing are simple: we sit a user in front of a website and ask him or her to complete specific tasks. Meanwhile, a moderator collects impressions and comments. Obviously, usability testing is a little more complicated than that in practice. Here is a summary of the five steps that make a great usability test. Read more

Pupil Dilation and Cognitive Load: Usability Testing Innovations

We test websites because it’s still the best way to directly collect users’ point of view. It’s often the only way organizations can see how people actually use their website. For that alone, usability testing is essential, even in its simplest form.

Website testing, also known as usability testing, keeps getting better and better. Modern methodology and technology make usability testing more objective and precise than ever. We can now measure attention, attraction and arousal to better understand how users interact with a website. We can also track something we haven’t discussed much in our blog until now: cognitive load. Read more