Archive d’étiquettes pour : sharing economy

6 façons d’intégrer l’économie du partage à vos activités commerciales

L’économie du partage est au cœur de bien des discussions. Que ce soit à cause des moyens de pression des chauffeurs de taxi contre Uber, des hôteliers révoltés contre Airbnb, ou parce que cette forme de consommation dite collaborative laisse entrevoir de nouvelles manières de faire des affaires, c’est un sujet chaud qui fait jaser. Lire la suite

The Sharing Economy in terms of Websites Features

“Instead of buying and owning products, consumers are increasingly interested in leasing and sharing them.” (Matzler, Veider and Kathan, 2015)

Collaborative consumption is trending. According to La Presse, web platforms related to the sharing economy are worth billions of dollars and they are emerging in all kind of industries. The best-known communities of this kind are probably Airbnb and Uber. Airbnb connects property owners who want to earn money by renting their place for short periods of time to travellers while Uber does the same for drivers and users in need of transportation. Lire la suite